The Yorkshire Herald and the York Herald from York, North Yorkshire, England (2024)

12 THE YORK HERALD SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1861. THE TURF. HAREWOOD y. MORLEV NELSOIT CLUB. A cricket asatch between these pa 1 tie wa 1 la ed at BSTTING AT TATTBRSALL'S.

HoaT. The Epsom settling commenced this aft enwon, and made a large FRIDAY, Jmra 7. Sweepstakes of sovs each, h. ft. for three yean old.

Old mite. (5 Subscribera) Bro. to Teddugtoa 1 Brown duch*ess Folkestone Walloon Dundee on Thursday week, aud was following is the score progress. Money changed bands with a rapidity which angaria well for the final a Ijustmeui of balances, which will take place to Maiden Plate of XA sovs. for two years old colts, 8st Tib.

fillies, Sat 51b. Half a mile. The Ascot Stakes of sots each, 15 ft. and 5 only if declared by the 4d of Jane, with 20 added. The winner of any handicap after the weights are declared to carry 71b extra.

Two mites and a half. (44 Sbbscrib rs, 22 of whom declared) Age at. lb Age st lb Moorco*ck 6 9 2 Conscript 4 6" Preteudant 4 8 6 Professor 4 1 Optimist 4 7 13 Bandsman 8 6 0 Horror 4 1 13 Rant ore 8 0 morrow ami altogether the business of paying and receiving likely to be easily arranged. It would of coarse he premature to enter into any detailed account of the winners and losers until tbe "windins-UD act" is accomuiUbed. but it may be and brought 19gs to the fund.

The Gt imston Plate concluded the first day's spo Peggy Toft, not backed fur a guinea, winning by a conule of lengths. The business an augeinents of the meeting were well cat ried out, but if the committee would allow the officials to keep better time in futuie, we should hear no more complaints in the ring. The sport came off as under The Kingstou-upon-Hull Stakes of sovs each, with 25 added' for two yrs old, Sst 121b. three, lilb. four, 9st.

five, 9st 61b-six and aged, 9st 71b. Mares and geldings allowed 31b. A wiuner of 60 sovs in 1860 or 1861 to carry 51b. of two fifties, or 100 sovs, Mb extra. The second to save his stake.

Kingston Course, three quarters of a mile. (9 Subs) Mr J. Gilby's Adventurer, by Newminster, out of Palma, ly Kmilius. 2 yrs, 6st 121b (Doyle) 1 Mr Pnoe's Flotilla. 3 yrs, Sst (J.

Snowden) 2 safely stated that the result of the Derby and Oaks has inflicted no heavy blow on the ring, aud exercised no sore discouragement over LIVERPOOL JULY MEETING. SECOND DAY. The Liverpool Cup of 200 sovs in specie, adde to a Handicap Sweepsukes of 15 sovs each, 16 ft. and 5 ouly if declared. Two miles.

(68 Subs.) bettinz t-ok place during tne HA RE WOOD. B.Wrght, Senior 10 Parker, Stead, Clark 2 Scott, Hali, Clark 0 W.Wright, Scatcherd ..12 Homer, Goevt, Senior. 42 Wood, Hall 14 Weoater.cFoater.bScatcherd 1 Hodgson, A Scatoberd 6 Taylor, run ont 1 Nicholson, not out 37 Parsons, Stead, Scatcherd i Byes. be. IT baccer 01 Horses, very little afternoon, but at intervals few HORNBY, BAIN ESSE, CATTVR.TOK AiTTTTMN CHAMPION COURSINQ MEETING (By the kind permission of YM (j Dd'CHB88 ok WILL take place.

22 and 23, when the foUowing otaVea will he ran for, viz. THE GREAT NORTHERN PRODUCE STAKES for unlimited number of Greyhounds, pupped in 1860, 810b. each, 1 forfeit, to close July 1st, 1861. THE HORNBY CHAMPION COP for 82 all ages, it 5 10a. each.

Programmes and a proper form of entry, may be had by applying to the Secretary. Mr. J. H. HUTCHINSON, Manor House, Catterick.

Mr. J. Hat, Judge. Knigitsbiidge 0 Juno 6 13 Intimidation 8 6 13 Jackal 8 6 12 Frederick 7 6 7 4 7 4 Predictor 4 Dilkouah 6 Danae 4 Stanley 8 6 10 3 ivir lappes i uoroua, 4 yrs, wi oiu Hi. foster) Mr J.

O-boi-ne'g br Heleuus, 3 yrs. 7st 121b (ChalioneV) Mr Osborne's Rapparee, 3 yrs, 7st 121b (Whiteley) Mr W. lmes's br by Cotberstone, dam's pedigree nnkno Mr Cappe's Corona, 4 yrs, Sst 61b iE. Foster) ee unknown 2 yrs, 5st 9 iArnott) Paul Clifford 3 8 7 Volition 5 7 Calpe 8 6 6 Weatherproof 8 fi 7 The Gold Vase, given by her Majesty, added to a Sweepstakes of 20 sovs each, for three years old and upwards. Two miles.

Total In the second innings Morley bad i wickets down for tj 34 MOOR MONKTON v. co*ck Qirr A match at cricket waa played net ween th- aboT th nit which came olf as follows -lob on tk which came off as follows 28th Forfeits to be declared on Tuesday next, at noon. Agest lb Agest lb Moorco*ck fi 8 12 The Alderman ..664 Ben 4 8 7 Feodorowna ..464 Wallace ..4 8 0 Tbe Brewer a 6 4 Cape Flyaway ..4 7 9 Horace ..464 Master Bagot a 7 7 Heme 6 6 4 Northern Light ..4 7 7 Remanerator ..664 Parmesan 4 7 7 Russley ..862 First Lord 4 7 5 Hei ess 6 2 Vanquisher ..4 7 5 Folke-tone ..862 Butterfly ..4 7 6 Eat Stanley ..462 Be vis 6 7 5 Starlight ..862 Benbow ..6 7 2 Yorkminster. 362 Wulkington ..4 7 2 Somersault ..862 Dilkoosh 6 7 0 T. P.

Cooke ..668 Chere Amie (Blame) ..4 7 0 Viscount Bngnall 860 Professor 4 6 12 Betts ..360 Timandra fi 6 12 Doafoot ..360 Man-at-Arms 4 6 10 Black Diamond 8 6 0 Desmond 4 6 10 Calpe .860 Jeddah ..4 6 8 Voltella 3 5 12 Upoerhand ..468 Charing Cross 3 5 12 Kilbgrew ..6 6 8 Ciomell 3 5 12 Predictor ..4 6 8 duch*ess ..367 General Hess. ..4 6 8 Jacintha ..857 Chance Shot ..4 6 8 C'ge ..867 Legs and Wings ..4 6 8 Weatherwitch 357 Slingsby ..4 6 7 Bayonet ..357 Syi inge ..4 6 7 Squire Peirae 857 Siiarrow Hawk 4 6 7 Irritation ..857 Physician ..6 6 7 Mark ..367 Flash in the Pan ..5 6 7 Pebble ..367 Ivanboff 3 6 6 Wild Rose ..5 pays Maid of 4 6 6 Pounce ..5 pays Sptingwell ..466 co*ck HILL. Spink, Cuasoiis 32 J. T. Fisher, run out 80 Robinson, Winn 18 G.

Fisher, run oat Pioder, R. Tesseyman W. Fisher, T. 3 Richardson, F. Hoppa 9 R.

FVber, Cusaoos 2 Bolton, F. Hoppa lfi Kilner, F. Hoppa 5 J. inner not out Byes ..8 Mr. T.

Raper, Slipper. BARNTON, own Brother to Voltigeur, will Serve Mares this Season, at Wkntwokth Woodhouse, Mar Rotherham, at 10 Half-bred Mares at 5 each. Hay and Grass 10s. per week Corn, if ordered, at market price. All expenses to be paid before the Mares are taken away.

E. Oates, Stud Groom. AT RICHMOND. YORKSHIRE. NEVILLE, at Seven Guineas a Mare, and One Guinea the Groom.

Winners, and Dams of Winners of 100 free, except Groom's Fee. EL HAKIM, at Five Guineas a Mare, and One Guinea the Groom. Apply to ASTiiorr Thompson, Stud Groom, Nag's Head, Richmond, Yorkshire. (10 bunacnocrsj St. Albans, 4 yrs Cantine, 6 yrs Ehony, 4 yrs Aurelian, 3 yrs Klarikoff, 3 yrs The Queen's Stand Plate of 300 tu sovs eacn, ior iwo yrs SH.

to St. Albans, 3 yrs Suburban, 4 yrs Woodford, 2 yrs Annette, 2 yrs Lord of tbe Manor, 6 yrs Babette f. 3 yrs Miss Julia, aged Hesper, 3 yrs Twilight, 6 yrs Robin Hood, 8 yrs Jeddah, 4 yrs Nemes.s, 8 yrs Kuightsbridge, 3 yrs Leon tea, 6 yrs Camperdown, 8 yrs Tarragoua, 2 yrs Pellucid, 2 yrs Lady Ripoo, 8 yrs Amsterdam, 6 yrs Total BUTTON ON-DER WE NT Mr Ringroe'8 Doni.e Canne, 2 yrs, 6st 121b (W. Buck) 0 Mr Adam's ch Royal Oak Day, 3 yrs, 7st 121b (Hibberd). 0 8 to 1 agst Heleuus, 4 to 1 agst Adventurer, and 5 to 1 agst Corona.

Adeuturer took up the running after the first 100 yaids, was never afterwards caught, and won very easily by four lengths a head between the secoud and third good fourth. Donne Canne was left at the post. The Bishop Burton of 5 sovs each, with 100 added, for two yrs old colts, fcst 71b. fillies and geldings, 8at 81b. A winner of any stake amounting to 50 sovs, to carry 81b.

twice 50 or 100 sovs, 51b. or any stcke or 200 sovs, 71b extra horses having started twice and not won allowed 31b. The second to leceive 10 sovs out of the stakes, and the winner to pay 2u sovs the fund. T.Y.C. (28Suhs) Mr S.

Hawke's The Marquis, by Stockwell, out of Cini- selli, Sst 7lb (Custance) 1 Mr Gordon's Johnnv Atmatrons, 8t 4lb (J. Snowden) 2 Mr J. Scott's Trust, Sst Mb (Oram) Mr J. Osborne's br Ze land, Sst 71b (J. Oslwrue) 4 Lord Anneslev's bv Sugarplum, out of Sueur de Charite, 8st all.

(Challoner) 5 Mr Ruddock's br Rose of Raby, 8st 31b (Swahson) 6 Even on Marquis, and 4 to 1 agst any other. Rose of Raby jumjied otr ith the lead, for the first 200 yards, when Johnny Armstrong took up the running he was headed by the favourite within the distance, and beaten easily by a length and a halt bad third. The Londesboroueh Handicap Selling Stake- of 3 sovs each, with 30 added, for all ages, A winner after the weights appear to carry 511 extra. The second to save his stake, and the winner to be sold for SO sovs. T.Y.C.

(7 Subs) Lord Derby's ch by West Australian, out of Caricature, 2 yrs, 6si 71b (Doyle1 1 Mi' Harlaud's Lancelin, 3 yrs, 7-t 61b (J. Snowden) 2 Mr Overs's ch bv dam by Sir Tat ton Sykes, 4 vrs 8st 71b (J. O-borne) 8 Mr Osborne's Dubious. 8 yrs, 7st 71b 4 6 to i agst Dubious, 5 to 2 agst Lancelin, 3 to 1 agst Caricature colt, an i 4 to 1 azst the Tldiugton filly. Lancelin jumped off in front, but was soon passed by the Caricature colt, who won easily A match was played at Sutton.

la-t week clubs, which terminated in favour of the fom, il)o is tbe score Tt, Wlowj, SUTTON-ON-DERWENT. Priuce Imperial 6 7 Royallieu, 3 yrs Lupus, 8 yrs 8porting Life, yrs Parmesan, 4 yrs Silver hair, 3 yrs sovs, added to a Sweepstakes of 01a ana upwards. T. x.U. Viscount Bngnall, 8 yrs Jua lgnan, 2 yrs Gabnelle d'Estrees, 3 Overton, 3 yrs Buckstone, 2 yrs The Knve, 2 yra Feu de Joie, 2 yrs Mainstone, 4 yrs Wingrave, 2 yrs Walpole, 2 yrs Reveille, 3 yrs Penalty, 6 yrs Vancouver, 3 yrs Canine, 3 yrs Lucky Lad, 4 yrs Touch roe Not, 8 yrs General Hess, 4 yrs Scrubbing Brush, 3 yrs High Treason Meiryman Lady Falconer Northern Light The Wixard King of Diamonds Jason Tirailleur Roesia Tbe Monk Maria Nightingale Lledrod Bay Shirley (10 subscribers.

Copernicus Rouge Dragon Janus I mans Canto Straggler Lord Kingston transactions came under our notice ASCOT STAKES. 7 to 1 agst Conscript (taken) 12 to 1 agt Shipwreck (taken) ASCOT CtTP. 6 to 4 agst Thormanby taken fi to 1 agst St. Albans (taken) ST. LEGKR.

8 to 1 agst Ke tledrum (taken) BETTING AT TATTEhVULL'S. Tussdat. THE SETTLING. Tbe Epsom week was a harmless ana to bookmakers" and backers 0 horses," for tbe settling suggests no comments. It is true, that one person received but did not part and it is also true that people who will make ducks and drakes" of their money, and cry auack, quack after it must come to grief.

The winners and losers were hi good temper, for each party decLired that the re-ult might have been worse. The usual corn-plain's were made respecting the sending in of imperfect accounts, but the mistake in every instance was on the "debit side." Altogether an easier Epsm settling was never known. Scarcely an attempt to resume betting on coming events waa made. BETTING AT MANCHESTER. Tttmdat.

ASCOT CUP. 6 to 4 agst Thorma iby (taken) 6 to 1 agst St. Albans takenj 7 to 1 agst Parmesan 7 to 1 agst Dulcibella (taken) 8 to 1 agst Royallieu (taken) 10 to 1 agst Aurelian (taken) 9 to 2 ajtst Royallieu and Aurelian coupled (taken) NORT HUM BER LA PLATE. 10 to 1 agst Viscount Brignall lUkeuj 12 to 1 agst Underhand (takeuj 14 to 1 agat York Minuter (taken) ST. LEGER.

3 to 1 agst Ket ledruru ttaken) 7 to 1 agst auy other olfered) BETTING AT MANCHE6TEU. ASCOT STAKES. 8 to 1 agst Prince Imperial (taken) 9 to 1 agst Danae (taken 10 to 1 agxt Counctipt (taken) 10 to 1 agst Preiendeut (taken) 10 to 1 agst Predictor (taken) 12 to 1 agat Ddkuoab (taken; 12 to 1 agst Uptimist (taken) 100 to 8 agat Juuo (takeu; 10b to 7 agt Iniunidation colt (taken) 100 to 6 agst Janus taken) ASCOT CUP. 6 to 5 agst Thormanby (offered) 8 to 1 agst Royallieu taken) 8 to 1 agst Parmeaiu (odeied) 8 to 1 agst Aureban (olfered) 10 to 1 agst St. Albans (ofie.

ed) NORTHUMBERLAND PLATE. 7 to 1 agst Viscount Brignall (8 to 1 taken frealy) to 1 Underhand 10 to 1 agst Yui Miusier (taken 10 to 1 agst Syrii ge (taken) 12 to 1 agst Garn on Beauty (taken) 12 to 1 agst Upperhand (onereuj 12 to I agst Peggy Tail (offered) ST. LEGER. 3 to 1 agst Kettledrum (taken) 20 to 1 agst Bombardier taken) The Third Yetr of the Ninth Ascot Triennial Stakes of 10 sovs each, for four yrs old. The second to receive 10 per cent, and the third 5 per cent, on the whole stake.

Once round and a NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNB MEETING, 1861. SECOND DAY. The Northumberland Plate of 200 sov, added to a Handicap Stakes of 15'sovs each, 10 ft. and 5 i declared, for three years old and upwards. A winner of a handicap or other stake, subsequent to the declaration of the weights, of 200 sovs or more, to carry 61b of two of that value, sdh extra.

The second to receive 50 sovs out of the stakes, and the third to save his take. The winner to pay 25gs towards expenses. Two miles. AT FAIRFIELD STUD FARM, BACKBITER, winner of the Goodwood Stakes and Metropolitan Stakes, 5U. extra, will serve thorough -bred Mares at Six Guineas half-bred Mares, half-price and 5s.

the Groom. Backbiter, by Gladiator, ot Don John, out of Scandal, "by Selim (Iago's dam) Haphazard Precipitate co*kbri, by Woodpe-ker Camilla, by Trentham Coqoette, by the Compton Barb (Sedley Arabian), out ot sister to Regnlus, grandsire of Eclipse, Ac. Iago's "first ten foals produced six winners at two years old, and far between," the following BiburyClub Stock bridge Teubury Winchester JDLV. Nottingqam Stamford Southampton Canterbury Hartlepool Goodwood 26 27 27 26 16 IS 23 26 29 60 distance, Subscribers! St. Albans Plumper Donuer und Blitz Rimembranxa (dead) Pa'apon Viatka (dead) Leprechaun Jfcu-uu Munchausen Sib ria Win ton Gang Forward Error Allington Venus f.

Age st lb 3 6 6 eight winners at three years eld, and five winners at 110 nuu, TU MORLEY. Foster. rtor.ier. W.i.. Sra'ctieid, bWoVd Stoad.

Horner, Wru.h Stanley, Tw Hl.eT.y.or!.; Ulark. Wrtod, Semor. w.tcherd.c VwL- W-rtrW Byes, a. 146 Total Tea 'or' wk 1 wicket roler, .1 lta. 1 fcsr- fusions, sot um "en-moil rj piK Rob Viuk Byes 182 Total v.

NKWru.Na,N )KRWENT unillltm 0 own. run out Brown I'hiitnpson maker Fowler Fowlrr rowler not out Hatton Brown 2 Bje, Sic. 68 ON DERVVE 5 3 12 1) I 1 7 0 0 2 2 Second luiiutKi Preston run ont Mason Smallwood '9 Preston run out Mason not out SlaSOfl A Maaou 11 Mam rVes, Total YORK. Second Innings, and Dale not out Lyoo. Barker Barker Barker run out Barker, Jan.

Dais Barker Dale, sen. Karker Dale bDats Bye, kc. 5 1 16 10 0 5 8 3 0 0 1 fi 84 Total SESSAY Sec.nd Innings, ran out Prown, Carr, Riley Henry. f6rk nborn I 'arr. Ruey i Oshofe not out 1 12 8 3 0 5 4 14 2 6 2 2 Bys Total 17 BRA VDK.SKI" ETON.

won by the forme tour veare old. Sire of Babbler, sc. First innings. Renneson, Brown J. Brown, Fowier Sherden, run out Mason, Wbittaker Midgley, Kwwler Pei kin, Allison Pegg, Brown Sm llwood, run ont Preston, Giles Wilson, Wbittaker Dales, not out Byes, 4tc Total NEWTON First Innings.

W. Brown, Snnllwood, Midgley Giles, Smallwood Wbittaker, Mason Fowler, c. Mason Brown, Ibw Allison, Mason Nottingham, Smallwood Haytou, Mason Thompson, run out G. Fowler, not out Byes, Total Mares at Grass, 10s. per Week Corn at Market Price.

All expenses to be paid before the Mares are removed. Apply to Mr. Renhte, Fairfield, near York. The Ascot Derby Stakes of 50 sovs each, h. ft.

for three yrs old. a win ley uourse. by Robert de Gorham Fergus Elborus Knight of St. Patrick Knight of the Thistle Pegasus Tne Rambler Starlight by two len-rths halt a lengtn Detweeu toe second and tnird. Dubious was well up.

The winner was sold to Mr. Percy, for 36 guineas. The Beverley Cap of 100 sovs in specie, added to a Handicap Stakes of 1" sovs each, 5 ft. and only 3 if declared. A winner of any handicap after the publication of the weights to carry 6lb.

of two, 71b or one of 200 sovs, 10lb extra. The second to save his stake, and the winner to pay 20 aova towards expenses. One mile and a half. (81 19 of whom declared.) Mr Whi; taker's Desmond, by Bandy, out of King Brian's dam, 4 yrs, 8st Jib (Challoner) 1 Mr Wright's Slingsby, 4 yrs, 8st (Custance) 2 Mr Price's Uiddy Nutts, yrs, 7st lib (Doyle) 3 Sir G. Strickland's Camliondo, 4 yrs, Sst (Mr G.

8. Thompson) 4 Mr Gilby's Flash in the Pan. 5 yrs, Sst 121b (Spencer) fi Mr Gilby's Sacerdoa, 3 yrs, 7si 31b (Hibberd) 0 Mr Wood's Ca iban, 3 yrs. 7st 61b 'J. Snowden) 7 3 to 1 agst Desmond, 7 to 2 agst Slingsby, 4 to 1 agst Cambondo, 4 to 1 agst Sacerdos, and 5 to 1 agst Flash in the Pan.

Cambondo, Desmond, and Sacerdos ran abreast to the top turn, where Desmond took up the in uning, but be was passed at the mile post by Flash in the Pan, who carried on the running at a great pace till below the distance, where he drooped awav. and Desmond was (60 Subscribers) Age st lb a 8 12 Undertnnd Wild man 4 DUkoseh 6 Predictor 4 Volatile 6 Danae 4 Maketeasf. 4 Syringe 4 Desmond 4 Rosamond 4 7 12 7 9 7 4 7 0 6 12 6 12 6 11 6 11 6 11 6 8 Russley fe East Stanley 8 6 8 Upperhand York Minster 4 6 7 8 6 6 The following 4 9 Ben Adam Bede fi 8 0 Bivouac 4 7 12 Stockade 4 7 7 The Brewer a 7 5 Prologue 4 7 4 Jeddah 4 6 IS Prince of Orange a 6 13 Ivanhoff 8 6 12 Donner und Blitx 4 6 11 Conscript 4 6 9 Von Stroom 4 6 8 The Squire 6 6 6 Neighbour 8 6 6 Herne 6 6 6 Charles Fox 8 6 6 3 Doefoot Garrison Beauty Gardener Prudence Jim Starbeck Peggy Taft (h b) Vancouver Viscount Bturnall Wombat Joey Jones Johnnie Bright 8 Rapparee 8 pay 5 govs each Seven Diaia Betts Matador 3 Ettrick Vale 4 The Bushman 8 Oldminster 8 Kildrum Atropia 3 Bayonet 2 Squire Peine Lamblander Dora Trapcage 3 Termagant f. 3 Jacintha fi First Lord 4 pays WEDNESDAY, Jcns 6. The Royal Hunt Cnp.

a Piece of Plate value 2o0 sovs, by subscription of 10 sovs each, with 100 added, for all aites The YORK v. SK-WAY A match was played 00 the Sewy Ground. 00 Tuesday between the York aud Sessay aud district Blubs, wliieatmLS in favour of the latter club with thre-; wickets to IHII The S5 aud fielding 011 the part of Sessay were excellent, og iht 3 of York not so good as we have seea it. The refer um be played on the York Ground, on Tucxl.iy, the Igta nut JZ we anticipate a good match. The following is the -core -L left in front Slingsby challenged him at the distance, but immediately swerving a ross the course, Desmond won by a couple of lengths same between the second and third a respectable fourth.

The Driffield Stakes of 5 sovs each, with 20 added, for two years bacing fixtures fob i86i. jvn. me winner 10 oe soiu lor less. T.Y.C. (6 Subs) Mr Nicholson's br Miss Pennell, by Newminster, out of rugmy, si 010 (j.

soowaen) 1 Mr G. 8. Thompson's Prossack. 30. 7rt 101b fOwnerl GOODWOOD MEETING, 1861.

8ECOND DAY. The Goodwood Stakes. Two miles and a half. (96 Subs) Mr Hudson's Captain Crow, by vert, oy venison, 30, 7st 1010 (Unalloner) 8 Mr Reynard's cb Comet. SO.

7st Clb (Hibberd) 1 ASCOt 11 Hampton 19 Newton 19 Newcastle Odiham 26 Newmarket Carlisle Worcester 4 Abingdon 9 Liverpool 9 Pontefract 6 Brighton 7 Brighton Club 9 Wolverhampton 12 Reading 14 Radcliffe 19 Mr W. King's br Ragged Nan, 80, 7st 61b (E. Forster) fi 2 to 1 agst Prusack, and 2 to 1 agst Miss Pennell Pruaack made play after the first 200 yards, but was beaded onrjewite the AUGUST. iglits are Agestlb 6 6 10 8 6 10 4 6 10 8 6 9 6 6 9 4 6 9 4 6 9 4 6-9 8 6 8 8 6 8 3 6 8 4 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 6 8 6 4 8 6 4 8 6 4 4 6 4 8 6 4 8 6 4 8 6 3 8 6 8 4 6 2 4 6 2 8 6 2 8 6 0 8 6 0 3 5 13 8 5 12 3 6 10 3 5 10 5 5 10 3 5 10 8 6 10 4 fi 10 3 6 9 5 5 9 3 6 7 8 6 7 8 5 7 3 6 7 8 5 7 3 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8 3 5 8 3 AT THE FAIRFIELD STUD FARM. THE WILD HUNTSMAN, by Harkaway, out of Honey-Dear, by Plenipotentiary, dam by Bay Middleton, gran dam Miss Letty, by Priam.

Wild Hcrtsman is a rich blood bay, with black points, -entirely free from white stands 16 hands high, upon abort legs, fine flat bone, and distinct ropy sinews, bliqne light shoulders, great depth of girth and rib, beautifully arched loins, and great quarters, well laid np, and immensely full round muscular thighs, and fine clean hocks, He is perfectly sound, and free from hereditary disease or acquired vice. In his racing career he proved himself a Race-Horse at aTl distances, and from his -extraordinary constitution and magnificent action, he cannot fail to produce First-class Horses for either Turf, Field, or Road. In 1859, his First Season, he proved himself a sure Foal-getter, and his produce are very promising. Thorough-bred Mares, 6 6s. Winners and Dams of Winners of 108, and a limited number of Half-bred Mares, at Half-price.

Groom's Fee, 5s. Mares for Grass and Hay, Ten Shillings per Week. Corn at Market Price. All expenses to be paid before the stock are removed. A number of well-bred Mares, Yearlings, and other Blood Stock to be Sold by Private Contract.

All applications to be made to Mr. Thos. Flktchbb, Groom, or to Mr. Rehnie, Fairfield, near York. To Serve Mares this Season, 1861, at Mr.

Thomas Grovbs's Stud Paddocks, Kirk Hammertoe near York, LORD FAUCONBERG, Thorough-bred Mares 15 guineas each, and a limited number of Half-bred ones at 5 guineas, and 2s. 6d. the Groom. Loan Fauco*kbero is by Irish Uirdcatchsr, out of the celebrated Alice Hawthorne herself the beet mare in England, and the dam of Thormanby, winner of the Derby last year, and of other first-class horses she by Muley Molock, out of Rebecca fry Lottery Cervantes Anticipation by Beningbrougb, Ac. Irish Birdcatcher, the sire of Lord Fauconberg, is also the sire of Daniel O'Rourke, winner of the Derby of the Baron, Knight of St.

George, and Warlock, winners of the St. Leger and of Songstress, winner of the Oaks. Lord Faccohberq is a brown horse, stands fifteen hands two and a half inches high, on short black legs, combining superior quality with immense power and substance, and unexceptional pedigree, and must be seen to be appreciated. He is the sire of First Lord, winner the Northumberland Plate last year, being the first of his get. Loan Fauookbrro has obtained the following prizes, Tii.

the 50 Gold Medal at the Highland Agricultural Society's Show, and four other prizes in Scotland alio the 25 prize at the Yorkshire Show, held atPontefraet but vear. and the first urizea at Hkintnn snrl Wathorhv Stand by Miss Penneil, who won ftoi me Ktuiiu uiu uum. 49 guineas. The Grimston Plate of 60 sovs caco, 11. ior weights appear, 71b.

twice, or to receive 10 sovs out of the 5 sovs towards expenses. Oue Mr Leybum's br Peggy Tart, Taffs dam. 6 vrs. 7st (Nob ine in by el First Inaings Oshom, run out Cox, Batty Williams, Barker Henry, Pallkter, Dale W. Scott, Esq.

Barker Carr, Barker Riley, Dale, Barker Gray, Dale, Barker Calvert, Dale Brown, not out Davy, 1 Barker Leg byes 3, wide 2 Total First Innings. Barker, Riley W. Dale, Brown, Davy Barker, jun. Gray, Riley R. Pallister.

Oaborn J. Batty, Riley, Davy T. Pallister, Gray, Riley Dale, Davy, Carr J. Pallister, not out Rirker, en. Carr Meek, Blyth, Calvert Lyon, and Osborn Wides Total LANGTOFT declared, 71b extra.

New mile. Age st lb Twilight 5 9 2 Amsterdam 6 8 12 Cosmopolite 6 8 10 Wedding 5 8 10 Ebonv. 5 Buccaneer Horror Sir William General Hess Chere Amie Pretendant Benbow Miotv Morn 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 13 12 10 King of Diamonds The Drone 4 Lord of the Manor Oxford Man at Arms Optimist Predictor Fravola Gibraltar Jeddah Mainstone Lustre Horace Hweetiiancft 7 10 7 9 9 9 2 2 1 0 0 0 The Rap 4 rairwater Ravenatonedale Sir Hugh 4 rutcn (paya Ariadne Folk one Vufmnt BHfmall The Monk 4 Bilverhair 8 Wing Touch me not Seclusion Scrubbing Brush Baron Munchausen Nut-busk 13 6 13 6 12 6 11 6 11 6 11 Vohella Moorhen 4 Doefoot 8 Mr Cappe's Corona, 4 yrs, 8st 71b (E. Foster) 2 Mr Jones's Charing Cross, 8 yrs, 6st 21b (W. Buck) 8 Mr Swindell has hired Bombardier while he remains in training.

Mr C. Peck's brown colt foal, by Arthur Wellesley, out of Saxony, baa been named ully. Lcpus. Mr. T.

Part his, it said, sold this horse to Lord Lincoln. Mr. Starkie has purchased Parapet, 3 yrs, from Mr BevilL Mr. W. Day's Monastery, 3 yrs, has been sold to go to Italy.

Lord Westmoreland has purchased Schiam, of Mr. W. Day but she remains in the Woodyeates stable. Count Batthyany sold Night Revel, 2 yrs, to Sharp in the Craven Meeting for a tenner." Lord St. Vincent has purchased a half rbare in Klarikoff from Mr.

Henry for a large sum. Mr Aspinall ITessilian, 3 yrs, 6st 121b (Doyle) 4 Mr Osborne's Weasel, 5 yrs, 7st (Auckland) 5 Mr Osborne's Heleuus, 8 yrs, bst 21b (Whitekv) 6 Mr Gilby's Millionaire, 4 yrs, 8st Uibbeid 0 Mr Henry's The Bi ownie, 3 yrs, 7st, 7st lib (Oram) 0 8 to 1 agst Charing Cross, 8 to 1 agst Tressilian, 4 to 1 agst Millionaire, Rnd 6 to 1 agst Corona. Corona made play till within the distance, where Peggy Taft headed her, and at the end defeated her easily by two lengths same between the second and third Millionaire and The Brownie were beaten off, and did not pass the post. Age Conscript 4 Royal Sovereign 6 Voltella Shipwreck ..3 Thormanby ..4 Ruasley .3 Lady of the Lake 3 Umpire ..4 Optimist ..4 Bit pee ..4 Starke ..6 Danae 4 Orion Highnver ..8 Wallace ..4 Intimidation c. 8 Plumper ..4 Pegasus 3 Lady Chesterfield 3 Prologue 4 Prince Imperial 8 Pitman 4 Calpe Begonia ..3 Flirtation ..8 Simla 4 Betts ..8 Kildooan ..3 Lupus 8 Ivannoff .3 Don Cossack fi Feodorowna 4 Canary 3 Trapcage ..8 Caahio ..3 Squire Peine 3 Ancient Andrew a Syringe ..4 Zodiac ..3 Viscount BrignaD Rupert ..3 Joskin fi Milverton 8 Bally Edmond 8 Rapparee ..8 Allington ..4 Age 31 ID 6 Schism Elcho Dulcibella Stockade The Brownie Predictor Pax Guilder Reveille Knightsbridge Nemesis Asteroid Avalanche Fisherman Juno La Vapeur Lyaiscote Heiress Balham Rapture Marine Timandra Seville The Brewer Winkfield Physician duch*ess Antarte Moorco*ck Herne Paul Clifford Crater BlueJacket Lady Clifdeu Pergus Ben Webster Qneen of the Vale Vancouver Wombat Atropia Snapshot West End Jingling Johnny Hen ham Lass Anthem A match came off on Monday last, hetweeu the IjauiyH iart Braniiexburton cucket clubs, on tbe ground of the former, wtuc resulted in favour of the latter.

On acMfiut of time hwn? ap before the Brandesbarton gents had riuisb-d their second luiuag, the match was decided by the first innings. There was a far attendance of people on the ground. The score THE Italian Dehbv At 12th the Italim Derby added, was won by his Majesty's bay colt Saos Peur, by Cobnut ai m. Mailing jious. vt.

scaruuni oay nny uorget me by LANGTOFT. wonti IaninffS. MEetcatf 4 0 su sovs, ana allowances if lor General Williams, out of Vert cleverly by a neck half a length winner was nought in for specie, added to a Handicap an ages, a winner alter the of 100 sovs, 91b extra. Second stakes, and the winner to pay mile. (14Snbl Vatican, out of Johnny 1 "Ul me Biases.

Watchfire Drummer Boy Nabab Tolnrno Wandsworth Colonist Villette Fighting co*ck Cowboy Dowry Morocco Bro. to King of Diamonds Bro. to Roesia Sister to Reveille Corcoran Flexmore Xurnllo Bertha Tambourine dementi Brightonia c. Staple Oak Brennand Brother to Horace Keane Garis brook Hippodainia St. Lawrence Jung Fran Lady Evelyn c.

Lady Paimarstan (dead) uuuirjjiuu ma Jiarqunj oay ntiy SUvinia by Cobnut W. Bottom), and three others. Vienna Racks. The Prix de l'Empereur of 1,000 dncata, run for at Vienna on tbe 20th was wou by Lanchester, 4 yrs, 1051b, beating Harlestone, 5 yrs, llalb Gaspard, 5 yrs, 1111b' Pwrcw. 6 vrs.

1111b and Gladiolus. 5 vrs, 1111b. Mr. Merry has named his colt by Voltigeur, out of Bnrloaquo Biidutone. Bombardier has gone into W.

Day's stable to be trained for tbe St. Leger. The rumour that Kildonan had been purchased by Mr Swindells is incorrect. The Late Duke of Bedford's Stcd The late Duke nf First tunings. Rev C.

Day. Idle 47 H.Woodmausey, Idhj 8 C. Lamplugh, Idle 9 DofcgJeby, Idle 24 Brown, Me .2 Carter, WbeaUey, 6 Walker, Wheatley 7 W. Lampmgh, J. Metcaif.

3 Lawley, Baron, Wheatley 0 T. Woodtnaruey, Charter. 0 M. Lamplugb, not out 0 Byes, Ac y) Total 47 8 The Fern Hill Stakes of 16 sovs each, 5 ft. with 100 added for two and three years okL Halt a mile.

(16 8uba) Fairwater, 8 yrs Express, 2 yrs Hesper, 8 yrs Baliverue, 2 yrs Bia. to Man at Arms, 2 Brown duch*ess, 3 yn Antwerp, 8 yrs Little Lady, 3 yrs Nemesis, 3 yrs Ballerino, 2 yrs Coulon, 2 yrs Touch me not, 8 vrs Paradox, 2 yrs Speedy, 2 yrs Marignan, 2 yn Plate of 100 sovs, for two yrs old to carry 7st. and three, 9st 21b Maiden two yrs old allowed 31b. and maiden three yrs old. 101b T.

Y. C. Sweepstakes of 15 sovs each. 10 ft. for three yrs old.

The winner to bs sold for 400 sovs. and allowances if for less. Three quarters of a mile. (6 Subs) Ladylike, 200 Little Drummer Jacinth, 200 I Blisworth Polyolbion, 200 Forester. 200 Plate of 50 sovs, for two yrs old col's, Sst 71b.

and fillies, 8st 61b. The winner to be sold for 100 sovs. Half a mile. The Second Year of the Third Ascot Biennial Stakes of 10 sovs each, with 100 added, for three yrs old colts, 8st 71b. and fillies, Sst 31b.

Tbe owner of the second horse to receive 26 sovs out BRANDKSBURTON. First Innings. Serond Ianintr. ch man. Wbtucfer 1 Wheatley J.

Mrtt. ali. Wheatley MeteaM Metcaif 1 w. MetrauT Metcait uot oat Wheatley Idle Byes, ihc 11 I2J Total Day leg before wicket C. Lamplugh, Day Day not out C.

Lunplugh, Day uot out Byes, tr. Total Lord DunkeUin, Marquis Talon, and Mr Farrance are subscribers, but did not name. This horse having been entered without tbe knowfedge of his owner, will be ftruck out at the time prescribed, unless specially ordered to remain in. THIRD DAY, The Goodwood Cup value 300 sovs, by subscription of 20 sovs each, with 100 added. Two miles and a half.

(30 Subs.) CHELMSFORD MEETING. Essex. WEDNESDAY, Jum 6. The Great Baddow Two Years Old Stakes of 10 sovs each, h. ft.

wilh 50 added. The winner to pay 10 sova towards expenses Half a mile. (28 Subscribers) Mr Alexander's Farfalta, by Prime Minister, out of Butterfly 7st 131b (Sharpe) Mr Fisher br Lord Burleigh, 8st lllb (Hughes) 2 Lord Stamford's Misfire, Sst lib (Edwards) 8 Mr Bland's ch John o'Gaunt sst 41b (Fordham) 4 8 to 4 on Farfaln, 2 to 1 agst Lord Burleigh, and 5 to' l' agst John o'Gaunt. After settling into their places. Lord Burleigh took a slight lead, attended closely by the to the bend where Misfire drew nearer, and the three came up the straight together, Farfala getting her head in front a few strides from home, and winning cleverly by half a length Misfire was a bad third and John o'Gauut last all the way.

The Welter Cnp, value 60 sovs, the rest in specie, by subscription of 10 sovs each, h. ft. and 3 if declared. Gentlemen riders professionals, 61b extra. The winner to pay 5 sovs to the fund.

One mile and a half. (12 Suacribers, 4 of whom pay 8 sovs each) Mr Jacobs' The Don, by The Cossack, out of Ariel. 4 yrs. 9st 81b (Rogers) 1 Mr Searle's Lueknow, 4 yrs, 9st 21b (Searle) Mr Bevill's Parapet, 3 yrs, 9st (Mr Bevill) to 4 agst-Parapet, 2 to 1 aggt The Don, and 5' to 2 agst Luck-now. Lueknow made play till half-way up the distance, when The Don came away and won after a good race by a neck a bad third.

The County Members' Plate (handicap) of 50 sovs. for all aces-Half a mile. Mr Rayner's Amy Robsart, by Magnes, out of Sally 3 vra. 6st 121b (Grimshaw) ....7. J' Mr Fleming's Clio, 4 yrs, Sst lib (Mann) 2 Mr Flutter's Hambledon Lass, 2 yrs, 6st (Daley) 3 Mr Cameron's Infanta, 4 yrs, 8st 71b (Goater) Mr Rogers's Speculation, 4 yrs, 7st 101b (Sharp) 0 Mr Simons's br by Teddington, dam by Ion, out of Khedy- cina, 8 yrs, 6st 91b (Long) 0 Mr Stephenson's Peneus, 2 yrs, 6st 71b (T.

French) 0 6 to 2 sgst Hambledon Lass, 8 to 1 age Amy Robsart to 2 agst Infanta, and 7 to 1 agst the Rhedycina filly. Speculation after three false starts, jumped off slightly in front, and led for a few Btrides, when the favourite, with Clio and Amy Robsart passed him, and the three came on nearly abreast At the half-distance, Clio and Amy both passed Hambledon Lass, and a good Good accommodation for Mares at Kirk Hammerton, at the usual charges. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Gboyes, Park House, Spofforth, Wetherby or to the Groom. Lord Faocohberg will attend at the White Swak, Pavement, Yotk, every Saturday during the Season.

TURF. H. GREEN, 15, Ttork Terrace, Walworth, London, executes COMMISSIONS from 2s. 6d. upwards.

Tattersall's Club and City Prices guaranteed up till 2 o'Clock on the Day of every Race. Stamps taken. P. O.O. Payable at the Money Order-office, Walworth.

H. G. can be seen Daily frem Ten till Three. Bedford's racing stud, together with the training establishment at Newmarket, will be brought to the hammer on Wednesday in the July Meeting. By his Grace's will.

Admiral Rous, who has managed the stud so successfully for the last twenty-one years, has the power to select any horse of the lot for himself, and we need scarcely add that his choice has fallen ou Asteioid. Eoham Races. Mr. J. F.

VerraU has been appointed Clerk of the Course at this meeting. Edward Hills, huutsman last season to the West Kent Hounds, is going to Austria, to hunt a pack of staghounds belonging to Prince Leichenstein. Dundee. A considerable difference of opinion exists as to the W. Metcaif.

Bro J. Metcaif. Brown Wheatley. Dav Chapman, Day loue, uay Popple, Carter, Brown T. Holt by, H.

Woodmansev W. Holtby, run out Baron, run out Charter, not out Jefferson, Day Bye Sc. Total 121 Lichfield Oafoid York August Plymouth the Turin Races, on Sunday, the of 500f. each, h. ft.

with 14 OOOf. appearance of disease among the eaMnitm. it -ni many of the shooting hills are in witn water Stlrlirui Journal tsof the grouse from 20 20 22 28 29 1 Ae lb St. Albans The Wizard Optimist Starke Klaiikoff Anthem Nemesis Harkaway Moorco*ck Asteroid Schism Dulcibella Lady Ripoo Wallace Ebony ELEVEN OF THE BEDALE CLUB ELEVEN' OF TUB 8th NORTH YORK VOLU 1 BER3. Thw match, which we noticed last WiM pUye(i ijUt Saturday laat, and after some beautiui play ou both udes, 'M game terminated an follows ui iuc auiaes.

uiu mile. (10 Intimidation r. Bribery c. Cantab Warrior British Prince Cynic Anthem Dog Rose Marquise Mistake Canary Letty West Txaritxa Poolthorne Vaga Snapdragon Lady of tbe Lake Starlight Volition Camerino The Coronation Stakes of 100 sovs (91 Subscribers) Bluestone Suburban Gabrielle d'Estrees Cheesecake Guilder Conqueror Vancouver Paul Clifford Lucky Lad Carbine The Strut-pier Anthem Lava Pardalote Rapture Marksman. West End Knigfatsbridge Elcbo Roesia Diadem I uti initiation Snapshot uayonet Orion Balham Sage East Sbeea Rupert rsanasman Jingling Johnny Rockier Rufus JautiJua Zingaio Chriemhilde Sister to St.

Albans. Jarintha Nativity Little Drummer Vaga DUOS, Lupus Gabardine Copernicus Sarsenet (dead) Cistercian Brilliant Stray Bird Wing Janus Conqueror Reveille The Roving Boy Sycophant Walloon Arrogant Hawks-eye Diophantus Esther Ada De Clare Neighbour each, h. ft. for three years old Cantatriee Queen of the Vale Medora Adnata Pardalote Juno M.WV SOVS to nrr Burlesque c. Prince Edward Feu de Joie Grindoff Drosera Tolurno Bonnibelle Colonist Wandsworth Bolero Berkeley Dervis Laas o'Gowrie Wingrave Morocco Clement! Hopeful duch*ess Anriol Flexmore Bertha Buffoon Brightonia c.

Zambomba Pompadour Marble Hill Laughing Stock Hippodainia Cariabrook Mai cellos Weatherglass f. Peignoir Newssarkot HAMPTON MEETING, 1861. FIRST DAY. The Surrey and Middlesex Stakes. Forfeits to be declared on precise spot at which this horse broke down.

Custance himself thinks that his leg gave way on crossing tbe road, where he first faltered but the probability is that tbe accident waa not fully accomplished until he was called upon for his final struggle, as it appears almost inpo-sible that any horse could struggle so far on three legs. Match foe 100 on Newcastle Racecourse. On Monday last, a match for 50 "aside, came off between Mr. Finch's Ducbesa 5 yrs, and Mr. Hadlow's Gaylad, 4 yrs.

Mr. Currie acting as judge. There were few people to witness the race which might, in some measure, be attributed to the extremely inauspicious character of the weather, for the match had excited no little interest and amusem*nt. The hour appointed for the start was half-past three o'clock but neither riders nor horses made their appearance till about foui. At a quarter-past, the duch*ess and Gaylad were brought into the Paddock, and after the usual preliminaries having been gone through, the racers appeared on the course, mounted by their respective owners, whose summer like costume wore a marked contrast to the drizzling rain.

The horses having taken their run," the start was effected at half-past four aaactly an hour later than the time stated, Gaylad taking the lead. At this poiut a dense fog covered the coure, and it was even difficult too see more than fifty yards, therefore 'we are merely able to state that, when the two horses made their appearance near the distance post, duch*ess was leading, Gaylad being fnllv thirty yards behind. The mare then began to show signs of waning speed and was overtaken by the horse, who' worked noblv at the finish by coinirn? in a winner bv half--lnh n. VOLUNTEERS Second Innings, run out Morton, Mace bMaos bMace Potts, Mace xe Potts, M.o Potts Mice Mar Potto not 1 ut Byes, 4c. Total 1 ITIU J1U1C.

OUQHj Charmione Sty ria Donna Maria Preceptress Bas-blen Vaga Sweet Hawthorn First Innings. Severs, Mace Crosfield, Mace C. Mace, run ont J. Morto.i, not out Carter, Mace Dale, Mace Neviaon, run out Askey, Mace Stubbs, Morton Spicer, Morton Fall, Morton Bye, 4c. Total BEDALE First Innincrs.

0 14 2 4 8 6 2 3 0 1 2 17 Nevison, Stubbs, Carter. Potts, Neviaon, Carter. Walton, run out Outbwaite, Carter G. Morton, Nevison T. Mace, hit wick Nevison Wardell.

Nevison Plewx, Novison, Bel', run out Whitton, Nevison, Carter Clarkson, not out Byes, tr. Total 53 0 8 12 40 0 10 4 0 2 0 2 11 87 ruesday the Agestlb Joskin fi 9 fi 8 12 8 10 Stockade Predictor 4 Conrivialist 4 Eakdale fi Pitman 4 Claire fi Fits-A von 4 Borderer a Yorkshire Grey a Audrey 6 Royal Sovereign 6 Gridiron 4 Ariadne fi Timandra fi Remanerator Bushman 8 Ravenatonedale 6 Dreadnought 4 Conscript 4 T. P. Cooke a Flirtation 3 Norton 4 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 7 12 Narcissus Philomel Clovernook 4 Calpe Vancouver 8 Anthem 3 Tonio 3 Rapture 8 Wombat 8 6 13 6 12 6 12 WYE MEETING. Kent.

MONDAY. JcNK 3. Handicap of 50 nova, for all ages. Mile and a half. Mr Brown's Mennaid, by Tadmor, out of Alice Brav vra 6et llb (Mitchell) Mr Jacobs' Estella, aged, 8at 21b (W7 Johnson) 2 Mr Draper's Marwedl, 5 yrs, 8st 71b (Searle) Mr Mellish's Vulture, 6 yrs, 8st 71b (Fordham) 4 Mr Godding's Lancaster, 3 yrs, 7st 21b (T.

French) fi i SFBt 2 to 1 ant Estella, and 4 to 1 sflst Mer-mW Kg00 rHOe- bT a nead a length between the second and third. Vulture was a bad fouith. A Sweepstakes of 4 sots each, with 26 added, for all aces The be sold for 80 sovs, with aUowaucesif for less. About 1 Australian. out of Gaselle, 3 yrs, SO, 6st 71b c.

6st 91b (T. French) i Mr Mellisb's Vulture, 5 yrs, 86, 9st 61b Fordham) 2 Mr Searle Naughty Girl. 3 yrs, 60, 8st (Seariet 8 Air Pierae Beverley, aged, SO, Sst 71b (Owner) 0 Mr oruiby by Boiardo, out ot Phingaree, 3 yrs, 80, 7st 71b (Curtis) 0 Mr Jacobs's The Fawn, 3 80, "at 7lb tW. Johnson 0 Mr Gibbs's Lady Fanny, 2 yrs, 40, Sat lllb (Cotter) 0 6 to 2 agst The Fawn, 3 to 1 agat Estella, and 4 to 1 agst the Gazelle filly. Won by a length a neck between the second and third the Phingaree filly was a bad fourth.

The winner was sold tor 83 guineas. The Ashtord Town Plate of 20 sovs, added to a 8weepstakes of 8 sovs each, for three-year olds and upwards. The winner to be sold for 80 sovs with allowances if for less. Heats One mile and a half. Mr Draper's Marwell, bv Bay Middletou, out of Stamp, 5 yrs, 50, 8st 101b 121 Mr Searle' Lueknow, 4 yrS( 50, get 41b 8 1 2 Mr Mellish's Gaylad, 4 yrs, 80, 9st 31b (Fordham) 2 3 Mr Formby's bv Boiardo, out of Phincaree, 3 vrs 30 6st 41b (Colter) .77.

4 dis First heat. 5 to 4 Gaylad. Won by a length a ueck between the second and third. Second heat. Even on Marwell.

Won by two lengths, a bad third. Third heat. Won by a length and a half. The winner was not sold. A Sweepstakes of 2 sovs each, with lo added, for three-vear olds and upwards The winner to be sold for 60 sow.

with allowances if for less Heats, one mile Mr Searle' Haughty Girl, by Boiardo, out of Curl 5 yrs, 0, 7st 121b (Searle) 1 Mr Eggmton Dove. 6 yrs, 20, Sst 71b -C. Horasby ..483 Mr Brown Merma.10., 8 yrs, 40, 8st lib (Mitchell) a dr First to 4 ag-t Mermaid, and 2 to 1 agst Mercury Won in a canter by three lengths, two length, between seTnd and liahahnT t0 Mennaid. Won by a length and a Third heat Won by a length and a half. There was no bid for the winner, and Mermaid was claimed by Mr.

under the Newmarket rule. iwuc tu i ojuj xvousan oy a Deaa three-parts of a length separating the second aud third. The Rhedvcma fillv was fourth, Infanta fifth, Speculation sixth, and Peneus last. The Chelmsford Handicap of 10 sovs each, 6 ft. and 2 if declared with 100 added.

The second to save his stake, and the winner" to pay 10 sovs towards expenses -Two mites. (43 Subscribers, 23 of whom pay 2 sovs to the fund) Mr Orevflte'i iw if Amy, by Kingston, out of Desdemomi, 8 yrs. 6st 91b (Midgley) Mr Land's Yorkshire Grey, 8st 71b (Gammage') 2 Mr Godding's Miss Lancashire, vrs, 7rt 51b (Perry) Even on Amy, 2 to 1 agst Miss 'Lancashire, and 5 to 2 at 1 orksbire Grey Amy made play with a good lead, followed I by the Grey, until they passed the Windmill, where Miss Lancashire took second place At the bottom turn Amy took a wide sweep, and Lancashire in attempting to come through fell Amy maintaining her advantage to the end, aud winning ui a canter bv tweuty lengths. Miss Lancashire was found to be severely in iured but Perry escaped unhurt. The Galleywood Stakes of 3 sovs each, with 30 added, for two vm old aud upwaids.

The winner to be sold for 200 sovs, and allowances if for less. Three quarters of a mile. Mr Rayner's St. Bernard, by Windhound, out of Capucine 2 yrs, 80, 5st 91b, c. 6st lllb (J.

Daley) 1 Mr James's Cupid. 2 yrs, 30, 5st 91b (Midgley) 2 Mr Brown's Mennaid, 8 yrs, 30, 7st 71b (Mitchell) 8 Mr Flutter's Gartrrave, 5 yrs, 50, 9ft lib (Withingtonj 4 Even on St. Bernard, and 3 to 1 each agst Cupid and Mermaid Gartrrave led for a few strides, but was passed by the other three Cupid taking the command till half-way up the straight, when he was passed ty the favourite, the last named winning cleverly by a length hud a half three lengths between the second and third Gargrave was a bad fourth. Ti winner was sold for 55 cuiueas to Mr. Fuller.

0 two miles, was accomplished in four minutes aud 35 seconds At the close Gaylad waa much cheered. RraNiNa Match foe Monday last, a ten mile foot SSitrSfite! of Gateshead, and a competitor named MUls, hitherto unknown in this quarter, came off in the Victoria Runmng Ground, Newcastle. The event, to judge by the number of spectators attracted to the ground, seemed excite great interest among the lovers of For the first few rounds, the men kept close together, Rowaa then fell behind a considerable distance, but by aud by, pulled up again and assumed the lead. Presently however, he alio ed Mills to gain on him for several rounds, after which he made another rally and again went some yards ahead By this time the twenty-sixth roliud had beeu reached, and here Rowan somewhat unexpectedly relinquished the contest, leaving his opponent to walk over. THE MOORS.

GROUSE. Hatching noes ou favourably on th 1- Aire st lb Royallieu Surprise Brother to Schiedam Ivanhoff Thormanby Russley Pretendant Ben Webster Queen of the Yale Lady Clifden Crater Parmesan Mon Etoile Diophantus Doetoot 11th of June. Age st lb Vulture 6 6 12 6 12 Guilder Gavlad 4 The Don 4 Don Cossack 6 Bandsman 8 Foretop 4 Roesia 4 Lady Chesterfield 8 Ringbone 3 Weatherproof 8 6 12 5 10 6 10 6 10 6 9 duch*ess Professor Juno Prince Imperial Intimidation colt Bayonet Volition Sunflower The Brownie My Uncle Atropia Little Drummer Roll Call 3 La Re ox 3 Podarces La 1 Elizabeth 3 Jacintha Amy Biddy Nutts 8 Auricula 3 Age st lb 3 8 i 3 3 5 Northwold Gipsy Girl York Minster Garriwn Beauty Joey Jones Sweetbriar Prologue Princess Royal The Prophet Flirtation Russley Malta Doefoot Ellen Danae Blooms bury Ettrick Vale Viscount Brignall Royal Oak Day Donner und Blitz Desmond ALL ENGLAND v. Tag UNITED ELEVEN. THURSDAY, Junk 6.

The Royal 8taud Plate of 200 sovs, added to a 8weepstakes of 10 sovs each, for three yn old and upwards. The second hone Ut kg- nce round and a dis- St. Albans, 4 yra Dundee, 3 yn Plumper, 4 yn Russley, 3 yra Ben Webster, 4 yrs Thormanby, 4 yrs Fairwater, 8 yrs Chere Amie, 4 yrs Dulcibella, 4 yra King of Kent, 3 yW Wallace, 4 yrs Wizard, 4 yrs Nemesis, 3 yra Crater, 4 vrs Aurelian, 3 yn Parmesan, 4 yrg Royallieu, 3 yrs The St. James's Palace Stakes ot 100 sovs each, ft for thro years old. Old mile.

(9 Subscribers)' Wild Will Walloon Knight of St. Patrick Diophantus Nautilus Lord Kingston Sweet Hawthorn Lisbon Folkestone Sweepstakes of 50 sovs each, h. ft. for three years old SwinW Course. (6 Subscribera) owiwey Hesse Darmstadt I Prudence Ethelbert Big Ben Nautilus I Casino The New Stakes of 10 sovs each, with 100 added, for twn colts Rat 7lh and fillip lh Wi.

lW0 mis annual maccn, oetweea Snd, commenced ou Monday hentit of th 1 Peut, iuclndiug a vast number of raak aud" fashion 111 thus quai-ter. There is still birds. If the ureseut droucrh! effect upon the young birds, as weu suppneri ZJZL everva onrable repoi A no giounu was in excelleut order, lae game termiuated ou Wainesilay. when the All Eiatlaud correspondent writes Tlw nmmi.u, w. were declared the winners bv they will ever play again.

In thw mated the perfection' of was weU illustrated by both Elevens. The score ALL ENGLAND. season appears to be very good. I have seen nests with twelve eggs, and so far as ray observation haj gone, I might safely set the average down at eight or nine eggs per nest. There is as yet no appearanr here of disease among the old birds.

-Banff-Jtmmal NEWMARKET SECOND OCTOBEB MEETING, 1861 MONDAY. Match for 600, h. ft. A.F. Sir J.

Hawley's ch Rouge Dragon, 8st 121b Lord Glasgow's The Drake, 8st 71b The Match between Ben Webster and Wallace is to he run on Wednesday in the Houghton Meeting. CARLISLE MEETING, 1861. FIRST DAY. Nominations for the Cumberland Plate. ASCOT HEATH MEETING, 1861 TUESDAY.

Jcne 11. Jml 8kes 6 each, with 100 added, for two yrs old and upwards. The winner to be sold for 600 horses exempt from this claim to carry 91b extra. New mile Handicap Plate of 100 sovs, for three yrs old and straight half mile. mM9t.

Ascot Biennii a of 10 sovs Ct Sib ltbThP0 and times, laM Af CLUB. Secmid Innings. run out Curler, Nevison uot ont Carter Morton, Carter Cuter run out st Wort m. Carter Carter tarter Nevison Byes, Ac. Total tbe two celebrated Hetw last, a) Lord' 1 Ground for vd and the a wwo rivn ivriufr Ksmi Innings, C.iff Grundy 6 Hearue, Buttress Buttress Buttlfca run uut Gmudy, Caffyn CalYyii, Buttress uot out Lockyer, Grundy Carpeuter, Buttre) Ac.

Total ELEVEN. Setrond Innings. WiUsher, Hayward Tiuley and Willsher Audersou, TiiuVy WilUhei Haywani Hayward aud i 1. v4.ii not oat Jackaou ran out Byes, 4c. Total Rannoch there is a prospect of a good grouse-shooting season The young coveys appear vigorous and healthy, and generally thZ 1 uuu.k,.

ery lew oai ren birds are met with ami th6 Terity 0f lH8t wiater- Wrda are seldom has not talent, and has not affected the old birds. pieutuul fertluhirt Journal. CRICKET "co' 111 cases excee! Partridges and hares will be PLAYING. 'cs on ine teus uae. whilst the irst innings.

Diver, Carpenter, Caffyu I Daft, Carpenter, Caffyu. 1 Willsher, Calfyn 7 Haywani, Buttres Parr, run out Anderson, Caffyu Stepnensou, Lockyer 22 Caesar, Buttress Tarrant, Caffyu. Buttress 0 Jackson, cGnmth, bButtress 1 Tinley, uot out 7 Byes, Ac. 4 Total 71 t'NTTED First Inninia Hearue, Willsher 4 Stephenson, Parr, Jackson 4 Carpenter.cDiver.bWUlaher 8 Grundy, Jackson fi Caffyn, Jackson Griffith, Willsher Lillywhite, Jackson Wisden, Jackson 9 Sewell, jun. Jackson 0 Lockyer, not out 9 Buttress, Jackson 1 Byes, Ac.

4 Total 1 Agest lb Ivanhoff Greta Oldminster Underhand Jim Young Viscount Stockade Betts Brownie Bushman Viscountess Slingsby Syringe Adam Bede Squire Peirae Lady Ripon Heine Dora Prince of Denmark Volatile Trapcage HAREWOOD v. TEMPLENEWS AND DIHTRrrr This match was played in nAmlSSSiSl As smresifnl rA that they would prove thearnSTt wel1 contested match The nTrtiCmKVaDqni8hed their by 37 runs T.Y.C. (64 Subscribers) di 1 oy iigeur Ch by Windhound Rose d' Amour Cutler Chamois c. Miss Slick c. Night Watch Ratomaki Nomad Watchman Sweet Jessamine Spiingbok Exchequer Sister to Man at Anns Drumstick Schehallion Manrioo Lord Burleigh Maid of Mora c.

Leda The Saxon M. A. Asbfoid Matae Salamanca Wimbledon Duneira WM Mistral Morgan La Faye c. Bar: esq lie c. Lord Clyde 6lb extra.

T.Y.C. (65 Subs) jb oy tnunound Bl by Voltigeur Br by Wild Dayrell Watchman Uaadafl Antares Pot Pourri Kaiser Geneial Monk Exchequer Miss Hawthorn Drumstick Alvediston Lunelle f. Minie I. Bryanstose Revolver Adine Dinah c. Coulon Spite King Christmas Bay Rosalind f.

Mulse Duke Rollo Wimbledon Salamanca Hidalgo Duneira Ross Margery Costa Paemy BEVERLEY, HULL, EAST-RIDING MEETING. Stewards. Sir G. Strickland, H. S.

Thompson, and Aldeiman Copeland, M.P., Clerk of the Course Mr. Richard Johnson, of York. Starter. Mr. V.

Elliott. Honorary' Secretary. Mr. D. Boyes.

WEDNESDAY. Jrxg 6. Thi meeting opened with most favourable weather, and a large attendance ot company, although the Grand Stand was not quite so well filled as last ear, the receipts showing a slight falling off. Thanks to the recent showery eather, the course was in most excellent running order. The fields for the various races were notantte so good as last year, which may be accounted for by the Wd sute of the various courses lately.

It cannot be doubted rat the Beverley races are in a very" flourishing state, as the wjwnittee possess a large race fund, and are moat liberal with it, nearly six hundred sovereigns for the two days exclusive of and J' we' the borooli members, Major Edwards Wm the Kingston Stakes, which Mr. J. nenta beforlI' "fJ81 UttW sealed his oppo- B-nrT' ThefiXp that race forli md wiich has appeared at the post for tkWeJboBduaf- Caricature owner at SeP cleverly, and found a new Cap wa fvery bJu The Beveiley leather twioi withint ingiby sbwiQg the wh'te epk of lengths, was waimly anoiauded 1.::.. a 8tore 27 pUyed a good mnings for 21, and terminated as follows HAREWOOD. Scott, Heaps, Lee 0 C.Wood, Johnson, Lee.

37 Horner, and Rothery 21 Daniel, Bury, Rothery. fi Wright, Sadler, Rothery 27 Hill, Sadler, Rothery 16 Linfoot, Lee 0 Hon. G. LaRcelles, Rothery 7 Nicholson, not out W.Wood,cDuthoit,bRothery 8 Lister, st Bosomworth 3 7 Total 128 v- "iwnireiwi ven uiemly, E. Horner amfe W.

Hill marked 18 The IfZ TEMPLENEWSAM Bosom onb, LaseeEes H. Lee, Linfuot, Wood Rothery, Hill, Wood Heaps, run ont W. Lse, Daniel Duthoit. Woid Ibbetson, Linfoot, Daniei Sadler, and Daniel Johnson, Laacelles, Scott ocapg, not out Bury, Scott Byes, Ac. Total HORSES STRUCK OUT OF THEIR ENGAGEMENTS.

May 31, Monastery, out of all his engagements. June 1, at 9 am. The Wixard, out of fails Ascot engagements June 1, at 9 am. Minster, oat of the Great Newton Handicap June 1, at 11.60 am. M.A.

and Ashford, out of Ascot Biennial June 8, at 2.46 p.m. Seven Dials, out of the Worcestersh. Stakes one 8, at 8.40 p.m. Tolnrno, ont of Ascot engagements Jane 4, at 9 am. All Mr I' Anson's horses out of their' Beverley Jae 4, aTSSTm.

Old Englishman and Coleman ont of t. Loarien 00 rough Produce Stakes, Beverley Jane 4, at 5.16 p.m. fUteh, out of RayaJ Hunt ftp Ascot PrIntexIattheOfflceiaConeyetreet, by the NpS llX HAaSROVB, ALFRED "dWILLLAAl WALLACE BOg5 (all reading at St. Ln the Norta-811 Ct7 York), and Publishes! by -HeraW Offlo Ho. 84, Pavement, York.

Satonky, Jwn Eighth,.

The Yorkshire Herald and the York Herald from York, North Yorkshire, England (2024)


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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

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Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.