Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Star-Telegrami

Fort Worth, Texas

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SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 27 1942 FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM-SUNDAY One) PAGE SIX IP st They Protect Air Service Property Here Athenia Survivor Working to Get Revenge on Nazis New Lexington Is Launched 357Mile Top on Speed Set Soviets Smash Nazi Positions Aircraft Carrier Goes Down Ways a Year Ahead of Schedule Old 'Lex' Praised Oct 1 Ruling Applies to Private Cars Buses and Trucks Get Brief Delay Stalingrad's Defenders Push Into Enemy Lines North of Battered Volga City CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) 1) (CONTINUED FROM PAGE z1 4 :4 I '''''1S- to 04::::4::: SS -2 0 t- "031' (63 "1 zts- 00) 44k 4 LS oc- A k4-'''A'-i 4 1 7 's -4 -ets :4: ''k $7''' 4 ''4 Nt k- kk -'C 'ile de l'' ''''''k4k I 'fZilit'LL: 's4': kt r' VA I 'i ks''''''' if ::4: 1 I 17 411 i 4 AlAc: fP" 's "1 XI i' 44'44 f' 7 4 qe li efw '7k 4 4 41' li 10 54-v sk e' kt lt-(- $--- kzi :41 1 V4Nk' 4' 5 A 0 s4 11 11 0 11- 11 1 kl 0 z7I bses' ing used upon the highways in the transportation of a person or persons or property but does not include any vehicle locomotive or car operated exclusively on a rail or rails" The order xontained no enforcement provisions and ODT spokesmen acknowledged that speeding could not be punished in state courts unless state authorities acted by emergency proclamation or otherwise to give the 35-mile imit the force of state law ODT has in no case thus far attempted to enforce its order by criminal prosecution SAN ANTONIO Sept 26 (-P)-- Maxine Robinson the 1939 sweet-I heart of the University of Texas is observing the third anniversary of her introduction to the Nazis at work in the parachute department of the West Point of the Air It was three years ago this month that the pretty blond war worker met the Germans when they fired a torpedo through the side of the passenger liner Athenia on which she was returning to the United States from Europe "I vowed then when innocent' people were dying all around me1 that I'd repay those Maxine said "I hope my work here at Randolph Field is partial pay- I'd like to wipe out i the debt in full by doing something overseas with the Americans' at the front line Thats my great-I est ambition" After receiving a bachelor ofl arts degree from the University I of Texas Maxine and 14 co-ed friends left in June 1939 to spend! the Summer in Europe They were eating dinner on the return voyage when the Nazi torpedo crashed through the side of the Athenia in the first German attack on United States citizens "We just had time to put on our life preservers and climb down a rope to an overcrowded boat" Maxine recalled The survivors -----1 friends left in June 1939 to spend' the Summer in Europe They were eating dinner on the return voyage' when the Nazi torpedo crashed i through the side of the Athenia the first German attack United States citizens "We just had time to put on our life preservers and climb down a rope to an overcrowded boat" recalled The survivors 1 both the Western Caucasus and in Terek Valley the communique claimed break-throughs) "Soviet troops succeeded in adVanCing somewhat" it said Inside the wrecked and burning city the Russians dislodged the Germans from a number of buildings in one section the communique said killing about 400 officers and men In another action on the outskirts of the city Soviet -vunners and mortar units were said to Lave annihilated about a battalion of German infantry South of Stalingrad in another fierce engagement the communique said 800 Cermans were killed and eleven tanks destroyed 'Nazis Claim Buildings Taken fighting also continued rear Mozdok in the Caucasus v'Tiere the Germans were said to have launched five attacks with-Out making any gains toward the Grozny oil field main objective of the southern drive The communique said the Germans were continuing their attacks in the Black Sea region! southeast of Novorossisk but that MAXINE ROBINSON She stays on the job until 4 six days a week Each working day she hears the roar of Randolph's basic training planes as the cadets take off and land "Those motors are music to my ears" she said "They help more than a little bit to deaden the memories of the screams and cries I heard on the Athenia" She stays on the job until 4 six days a week 'Each working day she hears the roar of Randolph's basic training planes as the cadets take off and oryand "Those motors are music to my ears" she said "They help more than a little bit to deaden the memories of the screams and cries I heard on the Athenia" QUINCY Mass Sept 26 The mighty new aircraft earriur Lexington plunged into seawatcr Saturday a full year ahead of schedule destined soon to "help out our pledge that freedom shall not perish from this earth" So spoke Rear Adm Frederit'-- Sherman commander of the oLi vessel and traditionally last to leave her before she sank in tiTe Coral Sea last May Mrs Theodore Douglas son widow of the former Assista Navy Secretary sponsored huge craft as she had the "Lady Lex" in the same Fore River yard of the Bethlehem Steel Company 17 years ago As the vessel slid down the there was a rising crescendo whistles Then shipyard emp107e resumed their work as the speaiing began the clatter of rivetin-: punctuating the sentences of the speakers Six enlisted men and two fliers who manned the old -Lex" heard Admiral Sherman recite the proud record of their enemy ships sunk or damaged some 80 Japanese officers and 9000 Japanese men killed or drowned" They received the tribute of Rear Adm Wilson Brown commandant of the 1st Naval District who said he had sailed in the 0:1 Lexington and added: "I want to broadcast to the my admiration for the noble crev of that noble ship I bear witnNs that the behavior of her officcrs and crew brought new laurels to America" It was no coincidence that the new aircraft carrier took the name of the old Originally the vessel was named the USS Cabot bat answer to the pleas of Admiral GAS RATIONING DUE TO START BY NOV 22 WASHINGTON Sept 26 vp) Price Administrator Leon lien- derson announced Saturday night that nationwide gasoline rationingin I would start probably about Nov 1 22 with a basic ration of slightly under four gallons a week i 1 Motor fuel rationing for the country's 27000000 private vehi-IMaxine after the sYstem were picked up by a Norwegian I Maxine lives in San Antonio now in effect on the Atlantic sea-Isteamer and carried to Galwaykvith Carolyn Vaughn and Eleanor be merged with tire Ireland Their return trip was Mills former schoolmates who also rationing into a single programmade on another vessel I are working at Randolph Field Henderson said Ile did not ex- The former Junior Leaguer gets! She is the daughter of Dr and plain how this would be accom UP every morning at 5:30 and re- i Mrs Robinson of Austin plished ports for work two hours later Street Atsiin Air Service Comm And Photo quarters was moved in July lie is a graduate of the FBI School and the School of Police Science at Washington State College Rhea William Tuck Kenneth Echols James Willett chief of guards: Norman 6 Short and Melvin Seaman Willett came here from Spokane when the head On the alert to rroteet valuable properties and personnel at the Second Nit Service Area Command Headquarters at the TM' Building are these guards left to right: Charles Axis Ready to Celebrate Three-Power Anniversary inree-rower PLUMY ULbctE Ai limy muir WV 1i A Earlier in the day Joseph 131 4 Eastman director of the Office of (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) Defense Transportation called fori son Set to a nationwide speed limit of 35 use would have been the fall al more sober quarters that the tri- miles an hour Compliance vith! Eastman director of the Office of ILT I (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) Defense Transportation called fo rDI i elson Set to a nationwide speed limit of 35 use would have been the fall al more sober quarters that the tri-! miles an hour Compliance vith! 1Big Transport Stalingrad But the Russians per-! partite pact had failed in one ma-1 this Henderson announced will be versely refused to be co-operativeI jor respect and that it placed an I a basic requirement for obtaining! Speed Output Probe Planned so officials entrusted with the task I added responsibility on Germany both tire and gasoline rations 1 of stimulating German moraleand I llow the propagandists would i In addition tires on all cars who are expected to produce a i explain this major failure of the I must be submitted every 60 days WASHINGTON Sept 26 (iP)-- WASHINGTON Sept 26 victory each Sunday when Ger-1 pact and the fact that instead of I after rationing starts- for on-wheel I In a major reorganization which i The Justice Department it was mans have some leisure to reflect preventing a spread of the con-i inspection to insure that proper got no heralding save his pledge I 'earned Saturday is prepared to I I were making the most of the sub-Iflict it prepared the way for global care is given them Ito "get tough" Chairman a grand jury investigation were making the most of the sub-1 flict it prepared the way for global c-ar-e-is given them to "get tough" Chairman Donald launch a grand jury investigation! 1) did not to workers people's intensifying man Commander-in'chief armed here too all attacks were repulsed! and "large numbers of enemy troops wiped out- Gangs Fall On the northwestern front in the area of Sinyattno her German attacks ere stopped the com- munique saiisd i in Vichy Prior to suance of the mid- night communique the dispatches from every active the (CONTINUED FROM PAC chilling Volkhov area east of Len pressed the belief Laval ingrad to the Autumn-leafed i dare go too far in acquies -alley of the Terek in the deep' the story of 6or German demands for Frencl pans halted ers lest he alienate the in this situation the army or -support yet demands were gan Red Star issued its rare note fying because Germany nee of optimism to the Russian power reinforcements fighters Admiral Darlan Comma chief of all Vichy French The newspaper warned corn- manders against the old theory forces was reported Satur that because Russia is vast it the Algiers radio to have could not be defeated But it long conference with 4 pointed out that 13 defending -5itifzuste Governor-4 that still is held and by develop- of Morocco The Gerrran ra ing counter-attacks victory could flounced simultaneously tl be achieved Gen Luis Orgaz Yoldi Ilig it cited the heavy German losses mussioner of Spanish Mc said there was definite evidence was expected at Rabat the Nazis and their vassal forces few days for a conferenc Nvere wearing out and pointed to Nogues i (CONTINUED FROM PAGE pressed the belief Laval dare go too far in acquiescing German demands for French lest he alienate the support yet demands were because Germany needs power reinforcements Admiral Darlan of all Vichy French forces was reported Saturday the Algiers radio to have long conference with Auguste of Morocco The Gerrean flounced simultaneously Gen Luis Orga7 Yoldi High missioner of Spanish was expected at Rabat few days for a conference Nogues by held a General Governor-General radio an- that Lt Com-i Morrocco within with Spanish Morocco adjacent toi Sherman the officials and workers ithlehem plant and the marine I tyarfare was not clear from Axis I i NI Neladvanced son was well a in nine cities which willn the Be i staternents Saturday TRUCK OPERATORS townspeople of historic old Lex- There was also a speech by 1 A curious phase in the light of urday in efforts to liquidate two co ington ver the entire transportation in- i Minister on Ribbentrop 'the i URGED TO COOPERATE i Atass the name as major War Production Board prob motor carriers changed and Japanese diplomats in all Axis developments was an article of pact de il Grmany voted to WASHINGTON Sept "6 ari-- sse dominated countries of Europe faltering flow of ma-- waterways and airlines The old vessel held many ree Ivith ords and the new had a good Iart at the time had a treaty on non- Defense Transportation Director tefials and friction with the armed! Th on is to open investigati were being feted and praised The! aggression 1 Russia and i Joseph Eastman requested own-i Japanese submarine crew which 1 wy thi couldn't undertake to attack the! ers and operators of tank trucks services I presentation of evidence before a toard carring on here od made the the Berlin radio! off oyage (irand jury in Chicago October 1 if the Russians became in-I Sunday to limit their operations I 'V From high PB sources it was I reported was treated to Of this old ship Admiral Shcr goo 'it was said Plans are understood' Ivolved in a war with Japan In re-sin general to short hauls of 100 rec 1earned that Nelson has ordeL beer'' at the Atlantic base mile less i man said: verse that went for Japan So i 1 to call for additional grand jury and received by Admiral Karl i I a wide-open throttle in the tran- 'At the time she was built slie is explicit no obti Japan I ed to Est that the re i 1- In estiga ions in New York as i Doenitz commander of the Nazi I as necesar in the in from priorities to allocations! ittas the heaviest ship ever I fight Russia although her allY striction wsy Atlanta New Orleans Den- in coverine the flow of scarce launched She broke the 24-hour submarine fleet is at war with the Soviet' terest of efficient movement ofm I plants a ez la in ar an el Kansas City St Louis ancF 1 The pact when it was signed i Union petroleum and to conserve tiresi 1 By transplanting Ferdinand Francisco steaming record three times set a to years ago was hailed in her -i Ribbentrop i his speech said and equipment and that if ship' rs head 1c a ieta ea the Arms The inquiry v-ill be concerned' new record for three consecutive days running and set a record lin as a major thunderbolt of Ilit-1 the A xis po it -Ian wers would "keep on I pers and haulers failed to coop- Munitions Board to his right 1 i primarily it Was said with alleged! 1 ler diplomacy which was going to beating the enemy until he has i erate ODT may "require permits as vice chairman of WPB Nelson influence of the railroads over the time for the distance between the keep the nited States out of the realized that there ere is no room for et opmen compe 1 rte ram- for all tank truck movements I 1 tt -) notice that any conflict be- i United States and the Hawaiian war in our sphere I 1 more than 100 miles" to enter Pearl Harbor the firt teen WPB and military officials portation services such as airline Islands She as the first c-arier 1 -A warning to America" the ount Galeazzo Ciano Italian I 46 might he considered "a dead transports and motor freight car- carrier to tow another carrier and spokesman said foreign minister who signed the duck" in the words of one offi- riers Reference was made by one 1 1 I When after some months it be pact for Mussolini in a statement 1 cial ho may not be quoted by source to the exclusive contract by: six thou- Fift a tanker at sea the first to complete fueling from apparent in Berlin that the to the Italian people Saturday i nil- uls ing name Railway Express Agency and the y- United States had not been scared night made the usual reference to! aircraft landings made on her Instruction have been issued major airlines which requires that deck" off the sea and was not weakening i the tripartite members as being 1 (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 1 from Nelson's office to replace air package shipments be handled an the "upsurging rejuvenating forces! Bethlehem officials told the in its attitude toward Japan priority in is Railway Express which is in some of the of the world" Our crews approached the city just i short story of the new carrier's impression gre form the Production Re- owned by 80 railroads I before 4 o'clock they could aistin-'-- pre launching ground uirements Plan or PR "as I Virtually ever association in guish its conspicuous buildings ''1 i trom which she was launched ttas ci-ap Rally Set tarm Bill rapidly as possible with an allo- the transportation industry will bare only 18 months ago and only ll Due several miles away" I Besides the 'Mosquito which wasi cation system which will give figure in the inquiry informed la months elapsed between keel manufacturer his slice of the persons who withheld the use of: i chnt rinwn nrinthcbr wliz hit hut leach lavino- and launchina There was also a speeen oy A curious phase in the light ght ofl Foreign Minister von RibbentropI IL RGED TO CO-OPERATE de elopments was an article of the and Japanese diplomats in all Axis: pact devoted to Russia Germany WASHINGTON Sept r'6 (4-ri dominated countries of Europe 1 at the time had a treaty on non- Defense Transportation Director being feted and praised The I Were aggression 1 Russia and Joseph Eastman requested own- submarine crew which 1 JaPallese couldn't undertake to attack the ers and operators of tank trucks made the voyage the Berlin radio i Soviets if the Russians became in-I Sunday to limit their operations I reported was treated to "good in a war with Japan In re- in general to short hauls of 100 German beer" at the Atlantic base verse that went for Japan So! miles or less and received by Admiral Karl 1 Japan is explicitly not obliged to Eastman warned that the re- i Doenitz commander of the Nazi fight Russia although her allY-i striction was necessary in the in- Germany is at war with the Soviet i terest of efficient movement of submarine fleet I United States had not been scared night made the usual reference to off the sea and was not weakening i the tripartite members as being I (CONTINUED FROM PAGE I) in its attitude toward Japan an the "upsurging rejuvenating forces impression grew in some of the 1 of the world" Our crews approached the city just before 4 o'clock they could aistin guish its conspicuous buildings les crap Rally Set several mi awa Bill Due Besides the Mosquito which was shot down another was hit but The pact when it was signed i Union tr peoleum and to conserve tires 1 By transplanting Ferdinand Francisco two years ago was hailed in Ber-1 Ribbentrop in his speech said and equipment and that if ship- The inquiry v-ill I-2 concerned i hurt i di as a major thunderbolt of Hit- is powers would "keep on lunitions Board to his right hand I pers and haulers failed to co-op- erstadt head of the Army-Navy' ler diplom beating the enemy until he has erate ODT ma require permits acy hich was going to A i vice chairman of PB elson i primarily it was said with alleged: of the railroads over the keep the United States out of the realized that there is no room for for all tank truck movements of served notice that any conflict of competitive trans-i war- in our sphere- I more than 100 miles" teen WPB and military services such as airline i A warning to America" the' Count Galeazzo Ciano Itali I an I might he considered "a dead transports and motor freight car- i spokesman said foreign minister Who signed the duck" in the words of one offi- riers Reference was made by one I When alter some months it be pact for Mussolini il in a statement a ca wh not be source to the eclusi ay qy-xve contract by apparent in Berlin that the! to the Italian people Saturday i nil- uls ina i 113111C Railway Express Agency and the more than 100 miles" 46 1 twen WPB and military services such as airline I might be considered "a dead i transports and motor freight car- Anil-Guiding duck" in the words of one offi- riers Reference was made by one cial who may not be quoted by source to the exclusive contract byname Railway Express Agency and the Instructionq have been issued 1 major airlines which requires that (CONTINI7ED FRom PAGE 1) from Nelsons office to replace'air package shipments be handled our crews approached the city justIthe priority in its through Railway Express which is before 4 o'clock they could aistin- refined form the Production Re-owned by 80 railroads guish its conspicuous buildings quirements Plan or "PR I Virtually every association in I several miles away" rapidly as possible with an alio- the transportation industry will Besides the Mosquito which vas i cation system NViliCh 'xill give I figure in the inquiry informed shot down another was hit but each manufacturer his slice of the persons who withheld the use of Sherman the officials and workers in the Bethlehem plant and the 141)N II dlIOLIICI ill' 1111 'JUT tne uoiLliiii i AuLs- Increasing burden of holding the I French Morocco faces Gibraltar! newly occupied countries I from the African shore There was In Stalingrad Saturday night the no word available here that the fighting was su a le ch melee that the conferences- were linked with the! German air force had switched tc radio assertion of a contemplated heavy attacks on the Volga cross- allied attack on Dakar but it was inZS fearing to rain more bombs deemed improbable that they were on the complicated battle area in in view of Dakar's distance from some of the streets lest the bombs Morocco vipe out the German Ns om units That did not mean however that VICHY Unoccupied a certain areas of the city definitely Sept 26 Benoist Me held by the Red ArmY were not chin Secretary of State in the For being dive-bombed night and dayeign Ministr is no longer a mein i ber of the government it was an- Will Direct Service Club officially Saturday nignt: KILGORE Sept 26 Miss A statement to this effect will Christine Bagwell head of the Kil- be published in the official Jour- gore College music departinent for nat it was said No reason was several years has resigned to for his dismissal kept Parry said flying art a gage in war work She will be- or Wednesday to Pass Senate "We lvin in bombed from 100 feet We come director of the Service Club got a quick glimpse of people at Camp Howze Gainesville Miss: thestreets as we rushed over them Thelma Martenson of Lon Morris ool Spell (CONTINUED FROM PAGE I) WASHINGTON Sept 26 (ep) low enough to see the Nazi flag'' College Jacksonville will succeedvae Committee of the War ProThe Administration's compromise he continued her o-I The crew of one plane saw 4111- I (CONTINED FROM PAGE 1) duction Board for dealing with farmibombs hit the corner of the Ges ois 1 kept on flying Parry said We bombed from 100 feet Wel got a quick glimpse of people in! thestreets as we rushed over them low enough to see the Nazi flag! he continued The crew of one plane sawl bombs hit the corner of the (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) I WASHINGTON Sept '26 (tp)tiow enougn dto see tne 'Nazi nag he continue vage Committee of the War Pra-IThe Administration's compromise 1 The crew of one plane saw' duction Board proposal for dealing with farm! bombs hit th huff vill the vital role cburinldeirngo! the Ges1 'materials pie along with his war i their names said contract 1 The investigation was under- Ail but about '20 per cent of pro- stood to have been prompted by 13 Workers Hurl duction NVill be under this pat- reports of transportation conges- Item Nvhen the transition is corn-Rion and delay involving the war plete Continuing under PRP will I effort ln Concrete Slide be the smaller ingredients of pro-1 As rivets and other i WASHINGTON Sept Ges- i 1 items whose output can not be 1 i At least 13 men were inj tapos central building throwing A I scheduled unit by unit like tanksA ou Can i Please isenously Saturday whel 1 under PRP will 'effort Ill uuncreie zillle plete Continuing be the smaller ingredients of pro-I Aso WASIIINGTON Sept rivets and other i tapos central throwing1 items whose output can not be 1 you Can i I Please At least 13 men were I scheduled unit by unit like tanksI I seriously Saturday when Steinhardt Leaves Turkev ANKARA Turkey Sept 2t Llturence A Steinhardt United States ambassador to Turkey left Ankara Saturday night by train err route to the United States for with President Roosevelt and the State Department where the season's first real norther dropped the temperature to 30 the Weather Bureau issued a warning that flow ers and vegetables be protected For that section along the Gulf Coast from Morgan City La to Brownville the New Orleans I '26 explain prices in the anti-inflation bill ap- injured two of scrap metal in the war effort Saturday be headed to uiust a great volume of dark red i lare and tell how each individual in the neared guns and ships area of wet concrete collapsed on 1 city can help in the campaign ward adoption by the Senate next 1 Admitting the revolt against All the People la water department construction Although open to the public spe- week with Republicans counted his regime was growing even New Move in Madagascar I project cial invitations to the rally are to upon to furnish the necessary among his so-called followers the 1 I The men were buried be sent to all active participants 1 LONDON Sept 96 0 They say Cl or pitched cement margin of support principal Norwegian traitor said forces which marched into Tan- in the civilian defense organiza- I the form into which it was beIng tion to the service and civic clubs Administration a is "the opposon must be crushed aparive means and appealed to the northwest have sent a column Madagascar capital from poured caved in Police said -e and patriotic groups claimed at least 62 of the 96 SCd P11- i eve iorm was supported from below by party members to help him i KANSAS CITY Sept 26 Community leaders in the sal- ate votes An ssoci -PLR eastward to meet another British Russell Teel theater manager ateress 1 wood and steel supports I an hendt to intcrnal dissension i vvI 1 sage campaign throughout Tarrant poll showed 39 Senators publicly At least two men were County also will be urged to at- committed to the principle of the 11C a certain moing in from Brickaille thought he had been on the ri-cht xtent is also I 1 east coast port the British an-rack hen a patron asked for pervading the party itself 1 Aa var bond Teel drove to two under the flooring and the rc1 tend as it is from the farms and amendment offered by Democratic nounced Saturday on to When the flooring ga-e ranches that much of the needed Leader Barkley 15 against 35 un-1 Authorized Norwegian widely separated postoffice sub- wav the men underneath wcre scrap is expected to come decided or noncommittal and 1 not sources in London said there was 4 Russian Envoy stations to get him one i Decorated covered with cement while riliny Ample parking space is avail- reached SO much dissension in the Quis- He told the story It got in the of those working on top wcre able near the auditorium and po- The Barkley proposal would re- ling group as the result of Quis- MOSCOW Sept '26 I newspapers including ane in Daydragged down ling's demands for 5000 Russian Maisky rounding out his tentlOon Ohio lice will patrol the area Your tires quire President Roosevelt or his will be safe aids to lift farm price ceilings front recruits and because of his year as Russian ambassador to I Yesterday from Dayton came this The rally is being sponsored by where they did not reflect to pro- failure to in the support of Britain has been awarded the I note: Such stuff as this is one I Too Laie to Classif the sal ge committee of the Ci ducers the increased cost of labor loyal Nomegians that Gen Nik- Order of Lenin for outstanding' reason We are short of rubber vav- than Defense Council of which and other items on the farm It olaus von Falkenhorst command- services to the Soviet Union Tassi The law should give you about a i ESTATE A Blanton is chairman was offered as a substitute for an ing the army of occupation was announced Saturday $25 fine" Vanted trade Zephyr Sedan ito1 1-- god mechanical condition e-' a asking Ilitler to supplant Quisling If -you want to help in the war amendment by Senators Thomas of or down layrnent on two or tt- re: "get in the scrap" and attend the Oklahoma and Hatch of New Alex- ith a German civil administrator room house in South side TkI: scrap rally Wednesday night ico proposing to increase parity From Sweden meanwhile it mall Town Buyers to lingt on Heights Telephone day -O price levels about 12- per cent by was reported that 25 British planes MAN or young IA oman to -4 oss of Ship Revealed 1 ount ain manage st al nt rsi' including farm labor costs a move had crossed the southern coast "r'h WASHINGTON Sept 26 0-13) which President Roosevelt has op Friday night presumably to lay Benefit From Extra Market Cood salary to qualified person A IN1ntlay at Haw Drug Co The Navy announced Saturday that posed mines in German-controlled wa- GOOD prolsition for mArried tl a small Egyptian merchant vessel ters Reports via Axis channels woi on stock tarm Apply '2-73" 41 was torpedoed and sunk by an National Fashion Exhibitors of 1 sometimes take twice as long to enemy submarine about the middle said two Swedish ships had struck America will open their midseason I reach the merchant A smaller! 2 ROOM tiltniShed apt $750 -i of August in the Caribbean area mines in coastal waters in the market Sunday at the Hotel Texasiselection was one solution to speed-1 paid 1245 Li and survivors have been landed as 24 hours with the three "'S's" in tug up deliveries as much as pos- i IT1 VERS1DE--- 321 Emilia LoN The German radio said the kcarcity of fabrics softer shades cible At the same time the buyer I ilemt 0 ill Irtoto rn brea I ast at an East Coast port i i adults preferred 1 Swedes would protest to London land staple merchandise must look ahead and order his1 coi01-tED upie vnts serving 7 National Fashion Exhibitors (Ai sometimes take twice as long to America will open their midseason reach the merchant A smaller! T-ROONt furnished apt $750 market Sunday at the Hotel Texas was one solution to speed-1 Ft id 1245 Dai is le nnit with the three "'S's" in ing up deliveries as much as pos- i Rihvo-ERsi3DE--- 32! tErnikna 2' scarcity of fabrics softer shades sible At the same time the buyer I 0 1 a i a diur etas rt 1 i and staple merchandise I must look ahead and order his coLoi-tED upe set iru: 7 LI a 4 NVeather Bureau ordered storm lwarning predicting winds of 28 to Gas Rationing i 38 miles an hour for afternoon and on the Texas Coast Pampa had a minimum of 44 No Fun but It 'Borger 39 Wichita Falls 49 Tyler a reading of 51 at 4:30 En it Too Tough At Houston the NVeather Bu- reau explained that the coastal warnings were displayed "because (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) of moderate storm conditions with out definite storm developments" plenty of gasoline for all amino The Amarillo! Weather Bureau waiting The trouble is you just said that there was likely to be no wont be able to buy any once the frost but a freeze enough to dam-tickets in your ration book are vegetables The earliest killing eon of record there was on Oct 'That's when the real fun starts 16 1903 First you have to cut out all non- A blustery wind dropped the essential driving Those mornings at Laredo from 90 drove Junior to school: he'll to 80 degrees 'rave to take a bus now Those trips you took daily into French Ship Torpedoed town they're out too So are the VICHY Sept French little jaunts over to Mabel's for said Saturday that it had bridge in the afternoon And of been informed that the French car-course the Sunday afternoon drive ship Liberia had been torpedoed in the country 'Monday off the Tunisian coast ou11 begin to watch your mile- age and some of you may need rule to figure it out You Abandoned I know: Your car goes 15 miles on a gallon and you have five gallons I left How far and where can you Scrapped in go to the best advantage? Some of you may even get so tired of it all that you'll put the car in BIG SPRING Sept the garage and ride a bus Which of West Texas are salvagwon't help transportation and will continue to salvage tion much either from every abandoned bridge And you'll find out about ear in the territory Judge Tilbet pools wherein car owners share Anson newly-elevated presitheir cars and gasoline with three of the West Texas County or four other owners You drive 1 and Commissioners Associathe gang one week someone else said here Saturday drives them next week the third neighbor the third week and so on "There is a large amount of steel 1 in bridges in West Texas" he said Yes you'll get tired of it all1 Abandoned Scrapped in B- all tlicil IjU IL puL IIIC car In mu sritING Sept 26--County the garage and ride a bus Which officials of West Texas are salvag won't help transportation conges-d i 'ng an will continue to salvage tion much either 'steel from every abandoned bridge And you'll find out about car in the territory Judge Tilbet pools IA herein car owners share Smith Anson newly-elevated prem their cars and gasoline ith three 'dent of the West Texas County or four other owners You drive i Commissioners the gang one week someone else Judges and Associa- said here Saturday drives them next week the third neighbor the third week and so on "There is a large amount of steel lin West Texas" he said Yes you'll get tired of it all bridges in of the 39 Senators who indorsed the Barkley proposal 28 were Democrats 10 Republicans and 1 independent Senator Norris of Nebraska Twelve Democrats and three Republicans flatly opposed it Of the 39 Senators who indorsed the Barkley proposal 28 were Democrats 10 Republicans and 1 independent Senator Norris of Ne- braska Twelve Democrats and three Renublicans flatly nnnnsPd An almost 100 per cent attend-1 goods with longer deliveries int urnished Call 7-415'3 ance of exhibitors is anticipatedi mind 1 ONE BEDROOM twin b-e-ds ono I riquIde bed nice condItion sti I Bridges Being West Texas Baltimore Mayor Thinks Up Plan to Whack Payrolls Administration leaders were confident that they would draw from the 35 uncommitted Senators and the 7 who were not reached suffiicent votes to show a 2 to 1 margin on the showdown roll call expected Monday Of the 35 not committed 16 were Republicans and Administration strategists significantly were listing 11 of these as likely to vote for the Barkley proposal in the end pected Monday Of the 35 not committed 16 were Republicans and Administra- tion strategists significantly were listing 11 of these as likely to vote for the Barkley proposal in the end 2 for this extra market which is a Few new fashioq trends will be ear steel mill wartime convenience for the small noted at the midseason marketH on bus 'inf 32Irt Hemphill town bu3-er with the exception of the impor-1 EXPERIENCED dounie efor ntry i permanent position "With the rubber situation what Lance of color qualify A iorly 402 lioust-n it is and gas rationing in prospect "There is a radical change in Royal Clothiers the small town has become almost the fashion picture front former I A RL HTS--Near Borntmr isolated" George Fyne IlollywoodIseasons" Fyne said "Instead of s5h- I e5d9 aPartment 45IS IA k- explained "Most of the salesmen' the usual dark browns blues and I Lov ELY furnished 4- room have had to start traveling ex-I blacks the change is to bright! Frigidaire private bath elusively by train and that means colors and to the softer pastel' c-vls they can only call on their metro- tones normally associated with roiims bills -14aid politan evstomers Spring It's almost as if the seasons 1 WANTYD TO rrt aereaze This extra Fall market will had done an about-face" I ht)use lumped for 111 elp the merchant in these small Bright scarlet red is a high 1 42 Ilt2g l'koirR iri end 'ro rr 11 communities to replenish his stock fashion color with mellow aquas1 6-2711 and keep going as usual" blues and beige tones gaining in Alta HTS- Lit rze 'iedroonn rs 1 tiernen 7-2221 Buyers and salesmen alike are importance daily I Los rini n- ni becoming accustomed to a change The midseason market vill last Nieschnrdn''s Roni in merchandising methods neeessi- through Wednesday with a dance 1 1-11)7 tated by the war emergency for the buyers and exhibitors Mon- i Ott INfi Fyne pointed out that the exhibi- day night in the Crystal Ballroom I uN Ft RNsHED Room A i tor has fewer models in his line of hotel Texas Six hundred and I and that they are a more staple fifty lines are due to be represent- kVON COMPANY has type of merchandise Deliveries ed teDtnries for rellanle omen t----11 UM income klunle 2 -1611 re a more staple fifty lines are thie to be represent- kVON COMP NY ha openir ladise Deliveries ed 1 LeaT innrcLuemi et: rreill oi In: I na rock and concrete structures to obtain permanent structures as well as to salvage steel" Ile said that he Intended to fol- low up on the program as soon as to insure prosecution of thff effort to help get in needed scrap Labor shortages have pre- vented Many counties from utiliz- ing VIVA projects to junk these Jail Curbs Coffee Drinking bridges and the process has been "We have had contacts with of- a slow one due to regular county MERCER Pa Sept 26 (AP) at first But then you'll remem- crews having to do the work Twenty-five prisoners at Mercer ficials in all of the 124 counties her the guys on Bataan and in Judge Smith pledged West Texas County jail are feeling the pinch the Solomons and in Iceland and of our association and they are gathering scrap from these old officials would push to salvage this of rationing Sheriff Alex Elliott 3ou'll feel better You'll realize bridges material but felt that the supply announced that because of a short- Mr and Mrs America West that in this area would not prove is age of coffee Java is being served it isn't any fun in the foxholes "In many cases counties have I big as some believed because of only at breakfast instead of twice tither replaced small steel bridges with treplacements in the past year daily I 1 BALTIMORE Sept 26 Mayor Howard Jackson abolishing some jobs has figured out how to make the vacancies permanent It is to store the idle desks in a storeroom "If the idle desk is allowed to remain in the office the bureau head is constantly reminded of the vacancy and soon someone else is sitting at the desk" he explained "But if the desk is sent to the storeroom the position is soon forgotten and the job elimination if likely to be permanent" I 1r '11 1 I -E no 1 mi ar 1 a 1-1.

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Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)


What is the richest community in Fort Worth? ›

1. Riverhills. With a median home price of $3,726,591 and a median rent of $1,582, Riverhills is the most expensive neighborhood on our list.

Is the Fort Worth Star-Telegram conservative or liberal? ›

Fort Worth Star-Telegram
The front page of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, May 30, 2024
PublisherSteve Coffman
EditorSteve Coffman
Founded1906 (as Fort Worth Star)
Political alignmentConservative
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How much does it cost to place an obituary in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

Placing an obituary in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram starts at $55.00. Package prices can vary depending on the edition of the paper (weekday, weekend, or Sunday editions) and other factors such as the length of the obituary. Where do obituaries placed with appear?

How do I contact Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

Or you may call Customer Service at 800-776-7827(STAR).

Who is the richest family in Fort Worth? ›

1. Alice Walton. Walton is the only daughter of Sam Walton, the Walmart founder, but she is not directly involved with Walmart.

Where do most black people live in Fort Worth? ›

The southern suburbs (DeSoto, Duncanville, Lancaster, Cedar Hill) have been noted as the core of the African-American middle class and upper middle class community in the metroplex. Stop Six is a historically black neighborhood in Fort Worth.

Does the Fort Worth Star-Telegram still exist? ›

Your subscription to The Fort Worth Star-Telegram includes the printed newspaper and unlimited access to all content on our newspaper's website, our mobile site, our iPhone and Android smartphone apps, and our electronic replica of the print edition (eEdition).

Who owns the Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

McClatchy acquired the newspaper in 2006 with its acquisition of Knight Ridder.

How much is Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

For $50, you get a one-year subscription to the Sunday and Wednesday papers with Press Pass and the E-Edition (up to a $206 value) For $38, you get a one-year subscription to the Sunday and Wednesday papers with Press Pass (up to a $182 value)

What is Telegram star? ›

Telegram Stars are virtual items that allow users to purchase digital goods and services from bots and mini apps inside the Telegram ecosystem, send gifts to content creators on the Telegram platform, and more. Telegram uses third-party payment processors to facilitate secure and effortless purchases of Telegram Stars.

How do I contact Telegram abuse? ›

If you find sticker sets or bots on Telegram that you think are illegal, please ping us at You can also use the 'report' buttons right inside our apps, see this post on our official @ISISwatch channel for details.

What area of Fort Worth is the best to live in? ›

1. Southlake, TX. If you're looking to settle down in one of the nicest Fort Worth suburbs, then you should definitely check out Southlake. Residents love the tight-knit atmosphere of the community, especially when it comes to Friday night football!

What is the richest community in Texas? ›


With an average family income of $543,825 in Denton and Tarrant counties, Westlake is the wealthiest city in Texas.

What is considered rich in Fort Worth Texas? ›

While the rich category would start from around $1 million in Texas, you don't need that much to be considered upper-middle-class in the state. For that category, you might have a net worth starting around $450,000 and going toward $1 million.

How many millionaires live in Fort Worth? ›

Almost 2,700 millionaire homeowners live across the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metroplex, comprising 0.09% of the area's households. Gen Xers made up 44.1% of the DFW millionaires, with the second largest group being baby boomers at 24.7%.


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.